The planning for the development and launch of the next generation of ruralnet|online got off to a solid start this week using flipchart paper and post-it notes. Not a bit of IT in sight!
Our objective is to involve users, past, present and future, and the best brains in the Web 2.0 business, in the co-creation of ruralnet|online 2.0 and launch it to coincide with ruralnet|online's 10th birthday on 10 April at our collaborate|2008 event.
We will be seeking to set up a focus group to meet face-to-face twice during this period and we will also be running an open consultation/ideas exchange online. We will model this on the Open innovation Exchange which brought me into contact with some fantastic innovators last year. We will work at pace and with a clear set of goals - just like before. We will seed this with a few ideas and concepts including these that have already been posted elsewhere:
- Ed Mitchell's Three types of community
- Email's broke . . . and it ain't worth fixing
- Turning process into content
- Google Apps for Farmers
- Communities of Practice and Web 2.0
- Thoughts on the new ruralnet|online - Part 1 (of many!)
- Call Sign - Blog Sign?
- Turning the telescope the other way around
- Jane Berry's Spiral of Engagement
We heard today that David Wilcox is available to help us out on this mission both online and offline. More details over the next few days.
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